Habits can be good and bad. I still have a lot of bad habits (too many burgers!), but as long as I keep chipping away at the good ones I know I am progressing in the right direction. One of my habits are to write at least one of these posts a week, so thanks for the help. I enjoy writing these and they act as a journal as a lot of the ones I write are too personal to post so they have two benefits, promoting my business and my peace of mind. So lets get started on that advice.

They are something you really really want to do and will be fun!

You want to learn a new skill, language, sport or musical instrument? You have to have great reasons for doing it. I am learning German right now for a few reasons. I go to Bavaria every year for a camp and I still can only say “Ein bier, Bitte” and “Danke” so it’s time I learned more. I also like the language and would like to see more of Germany. These are great reasons for me and you need to figure out your reasons for doing whatever you are doing.

They have an obvious and easy to understand end goal. e.g. speak German conversantly

This seems obvious but there has to be an obvious end goal. It can’t be I’m going to make a million pounds in a month learning to day trade, a better goal would be I want to learn to day trade and make a 10% return on my practice account for 3 months consecutively before I venture out into a live account (this is not financial advice by the way, it’s just a random example that popped into my head).

You will enjoy the journey

If it takes longer than you thought will you still enjoy doing it? If you can’t speak fluent German in a month will the journey still be fun? The answer for me is yes, but think about this before you start your new habit journey.

Start small “That’s what she said!” (Sorry couldn’t resist). 

Start with a small amount of time for your habit, do just 10 minutes minimum a day. This might end up being longer but don’t let it be shorter, I have added meditation for 10 minutes and it can feel long on some days, but then I stop and think it’s only bloody 10 minutes, I can watch that Netflix show after I become enlightened for 10 minutes.

You might go on longer, but that is the beauty of this part. It means you won’t be guilty on days you don’t feel like doing it, and you will feel amazing if you do it for 20 minutes one day. It’s a win win! This then brings us to the next point.

Do it every single day mofo!!!

You are doing your habit for 10 minutes, it’s nothing, so do it every single day until it really is a habit. You wouldn’t eat eclairs only twice a week and say you have a sugar habit, so do as you do with eclairs and do your new habit everyday.

Don’t overdo it

Now we have the 10 minute thing down, don’t promise yourself an hour a day. It’s a loooong time to do most things, especially at the start. Just stick to the 10 minutes and try and get into the groove. Don’t over promise and under deliver to yourself.

Take it easy on yourself

You will get days you wake up exhausted and can’t do your habit in the morning, then you get home and your boiler has broken and you need to sort a plumber, life gets in the way, it’s ok just pick it up again tomorrow. Go easy on yourself, you got this!

Examples of good habits you can take on:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Wave :)

First steps:

So how can you do this? Well you can join Wave first (see link below for free class), then just show up to 2/3 classes a week. You can take it at your own pace and no one is going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You can even sit and watch if that’s your first steps then go with it. 


It’s fun, it will make you super fit and you will learn a useful self defence skill that is also a game. 

Learn a Language

First steps

Download an app like duolingo, choose a language that would bring value and fun to your life and set aside 10 minutes a day to do it.


You can speak to a whole new set of people, it will rewire your brain and you will think in new ways that will help you in other areas of your life. You can watch that show on Netflix without the subtitles one day.

Get stronger

First steps:

Start with bodyweight exercises, target one area you want to focus on first. Pull ups for example. You can do these one of two ways to keep it simple.

Option a) 

10 minutes altogether do 5 sets, if you can only do 5 pull ups a set do 5x5 with a minute rest in between, if this feels easy move up to 6x5 pull ups and so on.

Option b)

Do 5 pull ups every time you go into your room where the pull up bar is on the door. If you go to your room 10 times in a day that’s 50 pull ups and it won’t feel like a chore.

Lose Weight.

First steps:

Well Lorenzo (me) has written a post on this CLICK HERE TO READ but if you don’t have time, here is an easy first step, eat more protein, yes eating more will help you lose weight. Aim for between 1.2 to 1.5g of protein per kilogram of weight. 


You will be healthier, climbing will be easier when you are lighter and you will live longer. Most importantly you will also look better in beach pictures.

Have any other habit ideas or want some advice? Contact us below and we will answer your questions and add your suggestions.

Life is too short for boring habits :) ahh but please keep the habits useful not “recreational” :)